You ask yourself this question and we are here to answer it. Be aware that the safety of your children is our priority. For that, we work in partnership with our drivers and our families to ensure the safest school transportation.

We encourage you to view the following bus safety video:

Code of conduct inside the bus

1- Never eat or drink while in the bus.
2- Board the bus calmly. Use the handrail when boarding and disembarking the bus.
3- Take your seat immediately.
Sit properly and remain seated facing the front at all times.
4- Always remain seated while the bus is in motion.
5- Windows are only for looking outside,
never stick or throw anything out the window.
Never put an arm, a leg or your head out of a window.
6- Speak in a calm and quiet voice to avoid distracting the driver and other students.
Make the least amount of noise as possible.
7- Use only respectful and polite language at all times.
8- Keep your hands to yourself - never push or shove other riders.
9- Obey the driver at all times and cooperate immediately.
10- Always respect others and their belongings.
11- Keep your personal objects for yourself - never throw anything in the bus.
12- No sales or/and solicitations on the bus will be tolerated.
13- Respect the rules at all times.


The First Riders Safety Program

Every year, the CSCN invites students from kindergarten to grade 3 to participate in the First Riders safety program. This program is offered (in Edmonton) in August, before the first day of school, in the Northlands parking lot. To find out about the safety rules in effect for all school bus users, please carefully read the safety section of our Frequently Asked Questions.

When school bus lights are flashing

Please note that in Alberta flashing lights are used in rural areas and only in some urban centres. Students using a school bus can be at risk when getting on or off the bus.
When school bus lights are flashing: On an undivided highway (not divided by a median), do the following:

  • When you approach a school bus from either direction (from the front or the rear), and it has the alternating amber lights flashing, you must be ready to stop. This is a warning that the alternating red lights are going to begin flashing and the school bus is stopping to allow students to get on or off.
  • If you pass a school bus that has its alternating amber lights flashing, pass with caution.
  • When the school bus stops to let students on or off, its alternating red lights will begin flashing. You will also see a stop sign extended from the left side of the school bus.
  • You must come to a full stop about 20 metres (about four to five car lengths) away from the school bus. This distance allows drivers of other vehicles behind you to see the flashing lights and students crossing the highway.

    School stop

    You must remain stopped until the alternating flashing red lights are turned off and the stop sign on the driver’s side is no longer extended.
    On a highway divided by a median, do the following:

    • When you approach a school bus from the rear and its alternating amber lights are flashing, follow the same procedures as you would for a highway that is not divided by a median.
    • When you approach a school bus from the front and the school bus has its alternating amber or red lights flashing, you may proceed with caution. Watch for pedestrians. Remember, this is only on a divided highway.

      These rules apply whenever and wherever the school bus lights are activated. Some municipalities have rules for school bus operation specific to their region.

Please consult the school bus safety guidelines by clicking here to review with your child how to cross the street when the bus doesn't use its red flashing lights in large urban centers, or when the bus uses the red flashing lights in rural areas or small towns and cities.

Pouches with student passes for students from kindergarten to grade 2

What are the pouches on the students' backpacks used for?

The pouches contain a pass that identifies students in Kindergarten through grade 2 only. They are used, among other things, to remind the driver which student should not be dropped off without the presence of an adult at the stop. They are also used to help students, if they are too embarrassed to speak or if they do not know where to get off or which bus to take. The pass and the pouch are given to the student, at school, on his first day of class. It is important that the pass is inserted in the pouch and changed when necessary. The pouch should be attached in a visible place on the outside of the backpack. For more information on the types of pouches, please click here.

Plastic bracelets for students

This tool helps in the task of managing the students who share buses in the morning and afternoon. Students from kindergarten to grade 6, from schools Sainte-Jeanne-d‘Arc, Gabrielle-Roy, Notre-Dame et Jean-Claude-Mahé, are required to wear the bracelets starting from their first day of classes. These bracelets are distributed by school. Please find more details here.

Evacuation drill

Usually, the safest place for passengers is to stay on the bus in an emergency situation, but the following three situations require the students to evacuate the bus:

  • Fire
  • Fire hazard
  • Dangerous position on bus is situated in a danger zone

This is why we conduct two bus evacuation drills per school year, one in the fall and one in the spring.

According to Transport Canada, school bus travel remains the safest mode of transportation to and from schools. It is 16 times safer than the family car. To maintain this level of safety, motorists must also do their part.